Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Get MAD (music/art/drama) at KHS

Kitscoty High School hosted the annual Get MAD (Music/Art/Drama) BTPS Fine Arts Showcase. 

It was a chance to show off some of the awesome talent found in Buffalo Trail.  The music portion of the night consisted of a combined Jr Honour Band from KHS, WHS, Irma, and Provost performing Jus’ Plain Blues, Shenandoah, Cossack Dance, and Encore!; a performance of Katie Perry’s ROAR by the KES choir; and a combined Sr Honour Band performing Gimme Some Lovin’, The Forge of Vulcan, Hey Soul Sister, and The Final Countdown.  

The walls were covered with phenomenal artwork from Wainwright, Marwayne, and JR Robson High Schools; and drama was represented by some improv from Dr. Folkins Community School, a monologue by Savannah Davidsen from KHS, and a short comedy skit from Irma School.  It was a night of many smiles and much laughter.  Next year will be even better!  

Egg Drop in Mr. Lee's Grade 7 science class.

Here is what Mr. Lee had to say about this fun scientific project.

The Grade 7 Science class competed in their annual Egg Drop competition on April 17. Each student had to create a container that could be no larger than 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm and into that container they placed an egg. The containers were then released from a relatively constant height and the students eager  checked to see if their eggs survived the fall or not. It was interesting to see the variety of designs that were employed to protect those precious eggs.

In the end the two winners were (these were the containers that were the lightest and still protected their egg passengers):

                7A:         Griffin Green
                7B:          Kristen Peever.

Congratulations to all the Grade 7 participants on their ingenuity, their enthusiasm and their use of scientific principles.

Great Season for Boys Basketball!

The Junior Boys Basketball team wrapped up their successful season with a pizza party and a parents vs. kids game. The boys won the Marwayne tournament, the Highway 16 Championship banner, and the BTPS championship banner this season.

Students vs. Parents Basketball game

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Genius Hour" is now in Miss. Moir's Room

We have amazing Teachers who are always ready to take the next step to help children learn. Our Teachers are continually learning new techniques in order to allow kids to explore their own creativity. Ms. Moir has begun to have "Genius Hour" in her classroom. This is what she wrote about this amazing project:

“Genius Hour”. It was developed to allow kids to research and learn about things that they have always been interested in but never given time to learn about.

 "Genius Hour will consist of one 80-minute class once a week for 7 weeks. During that time the students will research the topic of their choice and come up with a way to present the information they found in any way they wish. Some students may want to make posters, some may want to make replicas, or some may even want to try a science experiment – whatever they wish! Giving the kids 80 minutes to work on something they’re passionate about will be well worth it in my opinion! Students will also have to write in their “progress journal” as they work their way through the assignment to remind them of what has worked and what hasn’t worked for them, or in which areas they’re accelerating or not."

View our successes at: KHS Genius Hour video
View Ms. Moir's classroom blog

Thursday, April 3, 2014

So much amazing support for Autism Awareness!

Staff and students at Kitscoty High School dressed in blue for Autism Awareness Day on April 2, 2014. Pictured here are over 85 of those people who stopped for a picture to show our sea of blue.

What is Light It Up Blue? Light It Up Blue (LIUB) is a unique global initiative to help raise awareness about the growing public health concern that is autism. Light it Up Blue was launched by Autism Speaks in 2010 in support of World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), which takes place on April 2. Iconic landmarks around the world Light It Up Blue in celebration of World Autism Awareness Day to show their support! In 2012, Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue campaign continued to raise awareness worldwide. Nearly 3000 structures in over 600 cities, 45 countries and on 6 continents illuminated in blue to shine a bright light on autism. What is World Autism Awareness Day? In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) with the goal of bringing the world’s attention to autism, a pervasive disorder that affects tens of millions globally. WAAD shines a bright light on autism as a growing global health concern. WAAD activities help to increase and develop world knowledge of autism and impart information regarding the importance of early diagnosis and early intervention. Support continues throughout the month of April in much of the world as it is also considered Autism Awareness Month. On October 23, 2012, a World Autism Awareness Day bill was passed by members of the House of Commons in Canada. Bill S-206 officially recognizes April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day in Canada. Liberal Senator Jim Munson remarked that “the passing of this bill demonstrates that Canadian lawmakers care about autism and autism awareness.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Jamie Fisher from MADD Canada presented the video SMASHED.

MADD Canada "Smashed!" presentation

All KHS students and staff attended this gripping video presentation.

Our KHS leadership crew with Jamie Fisher following the presentation.
From MADD Canada:

The statistics for motor vehicle crashes and impairment-related crashes among young drivers are alarming.
  • Young people have the highest rates of traffic death and injury per capita among all age groups and the highest death rate per kilometre driven among all drivers under 75 years of age. More 19-year-olds die or are seriously injured than any other age group.
  • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15 to 25 year olds, and alcohol is a factor in 50% of those crashes.
  • 16-25 year olds constituted 13.7% of the population in 2009, but made up almost 31.1 % of the alcohol-related traffic deaths.
  • Link to SMASHED video: