MADD Canada "Smashed!" presentation
All KHS students and staff attended this gripping video presentation. |
Our KHS leadership crew with Jamie Fisher following the presentation. |
From MADD Canada:
The statistics for motor vehicle crashes and impairment-related crashes among young drivers are alarming.
- Young people have the highest rates of traffic death and injury per capita among all age groups and the highest death rate per kilometre driven among all drivers under 75 years of age. More 19-year-olds die or are seriously injured than any other age group.
- Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15 to 25 year olds, and alcohol is a factor in 50% of those crashes.
- 16-25 year olds constituted 13.7% of the population in 2009, but made up almost 31.1 % of the alcohol-related traffic deaths.
- Link to SMASHED video: