Kitscoty High School Christmas Drama Another Success
Sharlie Sjoquist, entertaining us with her amazing talent
Our 2014 Christmas play has come and gone in the most successful way! The students performed The One and Only Santa Claus three times: for the Elementary Division II students, for the public, and for our school and seniors after Christmas dinner. Ms Paull, the director, is SO VERY PROUD of how her students rose up to the challenge, despite our battle against the flu! Here are just a few of the many pictures.
Drama Students Semester One 2014
Kyran Heinitz, Elsie Patterson, Cassidy Cutler, Tailynn Franson, Vanson Hamel, Morgen Gundersen, Emily Lampitt, Kat Riley, Chandler Bossaer, Alex Russell, Brooke Zadorozny, Cassie Posein, Janelle Frank, Chris Delisle, Katie Frank, Melissa Smart, Savannah Davidsen, Raven Curtis, Haileigh Smith, Kaitlyn Delisle, DJ Braun, Baden Conor, Spencer Budden, Shaelynn Tabish, Lauren Nichols
Yul Tide, looking for The One and Only Santa Claus
A very proud and happy cast...ready for next semester! |