Wednesday, May 6, 2015

KHS happenings

Activities at our school continue to occur at a steady pace! Academics are a high priority as we set our sights on final exams in just over a month’s time. The top priority of this week is our High School Graduation which takes place Saturday, May 9th. Graduation Exercises for our 36 Graduates begins at 3:00pm in the gymnasium. This day will honor a significant milestone in the Educational accomplishments of these young ladies and gentlemen!

Monday of this week will see our students take part in Student Vote Day – setting the stage for Tuesday’s actual provincial election.

Tuesday evening will also be a grade 9 parent meeting. Information will be shared in regards to program alternatives & selection requirements for grade 9’s entering into High School (grade 10).

Speaking of grade 10’s, they will be travelling to TRY-A-TRADE on Wednesday for an informational day of career opportunities.

Additionally throughout this week our Track & Field athletes will continue to hone their skills for upcoming track competitions. As one can see, the action, both Academically and Extra-curricular wise, is certainly broad & Exciting!