Three Kitscoty High School students entered artwork in the 2nd Annual Mental Health Art Contest this year. In a total of 174 entries, all three Kitscoty students placed in the top ten of their category. Shaelynn Tabish, grade eight, placed fourth in the grade 7-9 category. Erin Prodgers, grade twelve, placed in the top ten in the grade 10-12 category. Sharlie Sjoquist, grade eleven, placed first in the grade 10-12 category and was described as the ‘top winner of the whole contest’ for this accomplishment. She won a prize of $300.00 for her picture.
All three girls attended the Art Gala on May 7th in Vermilion to see the results and take part in activities to celebrate mental wellness.
The pictures are now owned by VIBE and any in the top five of a category will be part of an auction in the near future to raise money for this non-profit organization. Kitscoty High School is very proud of these girls! We look forward to supporting VIBE and mental wellness with more entries in the future.